Welcome One And All

Hello this is my house of music I hope you will be entertained and enlightened about the people you love. Maybe be introduced to someone new that you never heard of. It will be fun who knows maybe you can be one of the musicians that will be showcased. I love sugestions and involvement but please no profanity of anykind. Thank you Kathym14.

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Me Venting

I was watching the news and I was actually getting a little bit angry over what I was seeing. I was watching the politicians bicker over the job that the president is doing. Why do we as a people expect imperfect people to correct other imperfect peoples mess? While the public is falling for the okey doke from all political parties the people are suffering. Many of us are losing jobs, many of us have jobs that don't pay well, many of us don't have and never had a job because of inexperience. So we the people struggle along relying on payday loans and other means of getting money just to pay the rent/mortgage, buy food, pay water and light bills, pay for TV(remember when TV was free) , we are paying for phone bills both land lines and cell phone either via contract or prepaid we still paying for that service, we are all pawns in a game that seems to be a win win battle for the wealthy and politicians, the rest of us carry them on our backs, Some of the wealthy claim to remember when they were broke and poor, they may remember but to tell those of us who has to choose between food and rent, electricity or clothing, car payment or water bill, not to mention any insurance we may need what good does that do us to know that they remember when.....?  Has it changed your life?  When you see politicians and their families go on exotic vacations and the media screams it was stolen from the people, that is a bunch of crap we pay for everything via our taxes, we pay for their health care we pay for their maids we pay for the cream of the crop of everything and we can't even afford a trip the MacDonald's because that is a luxury for some of us. Republicans and tea party people screaming pull up your own boot straps, what boot traps ? how can you pull up something that you don't even have?  Most people don't want hand outs so they can sit leisurely at home..... we want a leg up a little help with out all the red tape and high qualifications,  all people with bad credit are not dead beats  they have had to choose between necessities in order to keep from completely drowning. This economy is getting worst nobody or I should say the majority of us can't catch a break but we get all the stress and drama and financial wows and the turn downs and all the ethnic and racial hatred thrown at us all in a days survival.  None of the powerful people are willing to give up their salaries are they? This whole situation is like being in a very bad marriage. It is in some sense very abusive. Politicians playing the blame game but nobody will stand up and say I will give up my salary for a year. None of them will stand up and say I will live off of minimum wages and no insurance or lot less and pay a fee from your HMO like 20 bucks and try to survive on that. Or how about they try to live on social security money and go through those hassles, how about they try to live on unemployment or not have any money at all. They won't do it because at the end of the day none of them care they just like the hype between party lines to keep the people hood winked . Many of us go to bed stressed out about where we will get the money to pay just our monthly have to bills, many of us are at the end of our ropes and we pray and ask God to help us. Every now and then he does .... he makes a way for us to see the light at the end of the tunnel. Then here comes Jody again wrecking havoc on our wallets again. But here is the point none of the politicians really gives a rats booty about us at all, while we struggle they live it up. When do we get our turn to reap the benefits of our slave labor?

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